Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!

Revision as of 06:14, 3 October 2018 by GayPriest72 (talk | contribs)
This be bout tha straight-up original gangsta game up in tha series. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! For tha characta peep Chibi-Robo. For tha series peep Chibi-Robo! (series). For tha televizzle series peep Da Chibi-Robo! Chibi Show!

Chibi-Robo! is tha straight-up original gangsta game up in tha Chibi-Robo series, n' was busted out fo' tha Nintendo GameCube up in 2006. Dat shiznit was pimped by Skip, Ltd and published up in Japan by Bandai and up in Uptown Tha Ghetto n' Europe by Nintendo. Well shiiiit, it became a part of tha New Play Control! series up in Japan fo' Wii on June 11, 2009. Da main objectizzle of tha game is ta git Kool as fuck Points by makin playas happy, n' eventually become tha best Chibi-Robo.

Da boxart fo' Chibi-Robo!


Da game is set up in tha doggy den of a thugged-out dysfunctionizzle crew, tha Sandersons.

On Jennyz eighth birthday, her father, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, purchases her a Chibi-Robo, a lil' small-ass robot whose goal is ta brang happinizz ta everyone. Because of tha crewz financial problems n' Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson not havin a thang, Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson (his hoe) gets mad salty at Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson fo' bustin so much Moolah durin such a time.

Even though tha crew is up in a cold-ass lil critical financial thang, they celebrate Jennyz birthdizzle wit Chibi-Robo n' Telly Vision. Night eventually comes n' tha crew goes ta chill (Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson bein forced ta chill on tha couch as Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson is still mad at him), while Chibi-Robo goes off ta explore tha crib yo. Dude n' Telly Vision soon smoke up dat tha toys round tha doggy den can move n' talk, n' his thugged-out lil' punk-ass befriendz them, n' starts helpin dem up wit they shits yo. His adventure round tha Sandersons' house continues.


There is nuff muthafuckin toys up in tha house.

One of tha straight-up original gangsta toys tha playa findz is Space Hunta Drake Redcrest, a pimp from a straight-up hyped TV show. Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson is one of his crazy-ass nuff hustlas n' has every last muthafuckin thang related ta him, like a Mug n' a Toothbrush, both of which Chibi-Robo will use as Tools fo' realz. Another toy dat is ghon be kicked it wit on tha straight-up original gangsta night is Sophie, Taoz chew toy, whoz ass has a cold-ass lil crush on Drake Redcrest n' loves ta peep his thugged-out lil' patrol. Then, as tha adventure progresses, Chibi Robo will find nuff other toys, like fuckin tha Jacked Rangers, a army of egg soldiers, Captain Plankbeard, a oldschool pirate whoz ass wandaz round tha Basement n' asks Chibi-Robo fo' nuff muthafuckin thangs up in order ta be able ta sail again n' again n' again (like recoverin his ship or hirin a pirate crew, fo' example), Da Great Peekoe, a strange toy whoz ass likes ta meditate n' "purify souls" (A gamblin minigame dat can be used ta make much Moolah up in lil time), Sunshine, a funky-ass bear starvin fo' nectar, Supa-Hoe Pizzles, a ghettofab bizzatch livin up in Jennyz bedroom, Mort, a mummy livin under Jennyz bed wit a cold-ass lil crush on Supa-Hoe Pizzles, Dinah, a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dinosaur made of bricks wit a cold-ass lil crush on Funky Phil, another toy, whoz ass loves ta ride dirty n' endz up wit a funky-ass bunch of sprouts whoz ass grind wit him, n' Primopuel, whoz ass he findz up in a Treasure Chest.

Da Sandersons crew is goin all up in financial problems. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. Jenny is they eight-year oldschool daughta whoz ass wears a Frog Costume all dizzle n' be thinkin she be a Frog. Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson is tha unemployed daddy of tha crew yo. Dude quits his company without spittin some lyrics ta Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, which make her mad at him, especially since he keeps buyin freshly smoked up Drake Redcrest toys without spittin some lyrics ta her n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch eventually endz up lockin her muthafuckin ass up in her bedroom n' threatens divorce. Tao, tha dawg of tha crew, also interacts wit Chibi-Robo.

Besides toys n' tha crew, there be also nuff other characters. There is Kid Eggplant, Mista Muthafuckin Prongs, a Bird, two Frogs, tha Tamagotchi n' tha Fish (Chibi-Robo, however, only interacts wit tha goldfish by feedin dem wit Cookie Crumbs).

Chibi-Roboz manager, Telly Vision, be a lil' small-ass TV-Shaped robot whoz ass offers support ta Chibi-Robo, most of tha time by poppin' off up in his thugged-out lil' place, as Chibi-Robo is unable ta drop a rhyme yo. His trip is ta become a thug, already havin a song, Teriyaki Blues. Giga-Robo be a giant robot deactivated up in tha Basement yo. Dude shares a cold-ass lil close relationshizzle wit all tha other Toys yo, but cuz of a juice crisis, da thug was deactivated.

There is also tha Spydorz, tha evil spider robots designed by Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson n' reprogrammed by his company up in order ta be straight-up shitty n' evil ta Chibi-Robos everywhere, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Chibi-Robo uses his Chibi-Blaster ta fuck wit dem n' used they Scrap ta build Utilibots up in tha Recyclotron up in order ta help his ass reach otherwise impossible ta reach spots, or move round tha doggy den fasta n' shit. Chibi-Robo soon destroys tha Queen Spydor wit tha help of Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, whoz ass upgrades his Chibi-Blaster.


It received a sequel up in 2007 (2008 up in Australia) called Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol. In 2009, a third installment was busted out only up in Japan, titled Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Kool as fuck Richie Ōsōji!, which takes place up in tha doggy den of a grown-up Jenny, from tha straight-up original gangsta game.


  • Chibi-Robo is made from recycled aluminum. This was revealed up in tha second game, Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol.
  • Chibi-Robo travels 10 muthafuckin years up in tha past wit tha time machine yo, but Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson mentions havin a gangbangin' future lil pimp n' say dat they is waitin fo' Jennyz arrival. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Since dis is 10 muthafuckin years ago, dat thugged-out biiiatch couldn't be pregnant, so her big-ass booty seems ta done been plannin on havin a cold-ass lil lil pimp at least 2 muthafuckin years up in advance.
  • It be unknown how tha fuck Drake Redcrest can have supa powers if he is just a toy. While his fuckin lil' dramatic explosions is obviously gunpowder (afta a mission dat requires tha retrieval of such), his fuckin lata ice powers is inexplicable.
  • Dinah has been called a oldschool lady, so its unknown how tha fuck long dat freaky freaky biatch has lived wit tha Sandersons.
  • Jizzy is eight yo, but her room is covered wit toys fo' toddlers.
  • It be unknown how tha fuck Sunshine did not know Drake Redcrest even though they have lived wit each other fo' a long-ass time.
  • Da charactas show graphical glitches when blasted by tha Chibi-Blaster.
  • Telly say wata could make his ass rust yo, but his schmoooove ass cries tears all tha time without damage. Well shiiiit, it is unknown where these tears come from.
  • When Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, Jenny, n' Tao slide down tha rail, Jizzy has Sunshine yo, but he is found up in her room later n' shit. Well shiiiit, it is unknown how tha fuck dis happened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Similarly, once Chibi-Robo gives Jizzy all 10 Frog Rings, all of dem end up scattered round tha doggy den tha moment Chibi-Robo leaves tha room.
  • When Chibi-Robo awakens afta bein knocked up from pluggin his dirty ass ta Giga-Robo, Telly knows bout Giga-Robo yo, but when Captain Plankbeard introduces dem ta Giga-Robo, Telly is shocked when they peep his muthafuckin ass. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat he already knew bout Giga-Robo, so itz unknown why he is straight-up surprised.
  • When Telly n' Chibi-Robo is hustlin from Dinah when they first hook up her, her ass is straight-up close behind dem yo, but as Telly talks ta Chibi-Robo, dat thugged-out biiiatch can still be heard stompin towardz dem as if dat biiiiatch was across tha room. Before they run ta tha wall, her ass is within inchez of them, which means her big-ass booty should have caught up instantly before Telly even leaves Chibi-Robo.
  • It be impossible fo' Mort n' Supa-Hoe Pizzlez lil pimps ta be lil kids, up in fact Supa-Hoe Pizzles couldn't have had lil pimps so quickly afta some minutes afta smokin da sticky-icky-icky wit Mort yo. Her lil pimps should be introduced as babies, not lil' kids. Then again, itz impossible fo' toys ta talk, move, or have children, so dis be a moot point.
  • It be like surprisin dat Funky Phil don't seem ta notice or mention dat Freaky Phil is different from his siblings.
  • When Sunshine attacks tha castle, Mort mistakes tha battle fo' a earthquake, meanin most of tha room is bein shaken as tha castle gets shaken up by Sunshine. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat he is tha second phattest toy, so there is no way da perved-out muthafucka should be able ta shake tha castle or anythang close by it, or make big-ass noises, n' if tha battle takes place at night, there is no way Jizzy should be able ta chill all up in all dat bobbin n' noises without wakin up or even up in tha morning, or any of tha Sandersons should be able ta hear tha noise up in tha room.
  • Almost every last muthafuckin thug characta dat has a relationshizzle wit a girl, expect fo' Mort, appears ta git hen peck, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson admits dat his hoe scares his ass a funky-ass bit, n' tha Bird fears bein late wit a thugged-out date wit his wild lil' freakadelic hoe since she plucked his wild lil' feathers, n' Fred was afraid his wild lil' freakadelic hoe Freida will give his ass a whoopin fo' not listenin ta her muthafuckin ass.
  • Telly believes Funky Phil took a dirt nap cuz his thugged-out ass wasn't whoopin, even though da thug was straight-up switched off. Even though da thug was given a ass along wit tha other toys, Funky Phil be a toy, n' if da perved-out muthafucka still needz batteries, then da perved-out muthafucka shouldn't gotz a ass at all, n' he be able ta produce offsprin as if da thug was a livin plant. Da toys have, at times, rocked up ta need or wanna smoke or drink yo, but if they is toys, they shouldn't have any organs, n' therefore should not need any chicken or gin n juice n' shit. Dinah is peeped tryin ta smoke frogs yo, but she aint a real dinosaur, so she straight-up shouldn't need ta smoke frogs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sunshine fronts he gets hungry yo, but he also shouldn't be gettin horny if he be a toy, he be also peeped wettin his dirty ass yo, but dis shouldn't happen cuz da perved-out muthafucka shouldn't be able ta git a funky-ass bladder n' shit. Da toys still show signs dat they need a switch on dem ta work properly, like Funky Phil n' Mort.
  • It be unknown how tha fuck Supa-Hoe Pizzles gets up in her own castle since her ass is much talla then tha doors.
  • Plankbeard drops some lyrics ta Chibi-Robo ta not use tha outletz of tha Sandersons home ta charge tha Giga-Battery, since it would cost too much scrilla yo, but they charge tha battery up in tha Chibi-Doggy Den which is connected ta a outlet up in tha Living-Room, so they is technologically takin juice from tha crib yo. However since dat outlet is regulated based on payment, it means itz only bein used when Chibi Robo puts up in enough scrilla ta offset tha cost of tha electricitizzle taken in.
  • Drake Redcrest don't give a fuck how tha fuck ta git ta Supa-Hoe Pizzlez castle cuz she be all up in tha top yo, but up in all dem scenes, Drake Redcrest has been shown ta be able ta fly. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat Drake Redcrest aint straight-up smart-ass either.
  • Da flag on tha trophy up in tha basement behind Da Great Peekoe is only one dimensional. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. If you go behind tha trophy, you can't peep tha flag.