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Description Allows you to fire sonic blasts.
Jp name ちびポッパー ("chibipoppā")
Item Type Chibi-Gear
Use Story
Appearances Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!
Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder

The Chibi-Blaster is a type of Chibi-Gear that Chibi-Robos can use as an arm cannon to shoot blasts of sonic energy at targets.

Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!

In Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, the Chibi-Blaster is a blue arm cannon that attaches to Chibi-Robo's left arm. Spydorz will attack Chibi-Robo for the first time shortly after purchasing it. When the family barricades themselves inside the Living Room, George Sanderson has the idea of using an energy wave he was researching at Macroware Robotics Inc. to remodel the Chibi-Blaster, as it isn't able to damage the larger Spydorz in it's current state. This will prompt Chibi-Robo to travel to The Past to retrieve the Circuit Schematic, and once back in the present will have George upgrade the Chibi-Blaster to damage larger Spydorz. The Chibi-Blaster is required to defeat the Queen Spydor, and therefore required to earn the Queen Spydor Sticker.

Location & Uses

The Chibi-Blaster can be purchased from the Chibi-PC Online Shop immediately for 1110 PIA Icon Moolah.png Moolah. Once purchased, the Chibi-Blaster can be equipped from the Equipment Menu opened by pressing GCN X.png.

Chibi-PC Online Shop
Icon Name Description Use Availability Price
PIA Item Chibi-Blaster.png Chibi-Blaster Allows you to fire sonic blasts. Chibi-Gear that can destroy Spydorz, shoot Sunshine Stickers, and reveal hidden Chibi-Doors. Immediately PIA moolah.png

The Chibi-Blaster can be used as a weapon to destroy Spydorz in one shot, but it can also be used to break objects marked with Sunshine Stickers and reveal hidden Chibi-Doors. Toys will have different reactions to being shot with the Chibi-Blaster, and some won't react at all. After the Chibi-Blaster has been purchased, two Chips will be added to the Chibi-PC Online Shop that will upgrade the Chibi-Blaster. The Charge Chip allows Chibi-Robo to charge a shot by holding GCN A.png, while the Range Chip increases the distance shots will travel.

Chibi-PC Online Shop
Icon Name Description Use Availability Price
PIA Item Chip.png Charge Chip Enables the Chibi-Blaster to fire a charged shot. An upgrade for the Chibi-Blaster. After the Chibi-Blaster is acquired PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Chip.png Range Chip Enables the Chibi-Blaster to fire long-distance shots. An upgrade for the Chibi-Blaster. After the Chibi-Blaster is acquired PIA moolah.png

Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder

In Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, the Chibi-Blaster is a yellow arm cannon found in various Work mini-games. It is attached to Chibi-Robo's right arm.

Location & Uses

The Chibi-Blaster is given to Chibi-Robo in five different Work mini-games:


Chibi Holding Silhouette Film.png To view Chibi-Blaster's
image gallery click here