Items (Plug Into Adventure!)

Revision as of 20:06, 6 November 2021 by Hoshcof (talk | contribs) (Began reformatting and overhauling whats left on this page. Needs more work.)

There are several Items in Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, all with varying uses. There are Trash items, which Chibi-Robo can find littered around the Sandersons' House and throw away to earn Happy Points and Moolah. There are Story items, which are used to progress the various storylines by giving them to a Toy or family member. There are also Miscellaneous items, which all vary in uses.

PIA Item Frog Ring.png

Trash Items

Most Trash Items typically serve no purpose other than to be thrown into a Trash Can for Happy Points and Moolah.

  Broken Bottle

Broken Bottle
Item Type Trash
20 Happy Points
100 Moolah

Don't cut yourself while throwing it away!

The top of a broken bottle. It can only be found in the Basement. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 20   Happy Points and 100   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Broken Bottle

Broken Bottle
Item Type Trash
20 Happy Points
100 Moolah

Don't cut yourself while throwing it away!

The bottom of a broken bottle. It can only be found in the Basement. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 20   Happy Points and 100   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Candy Bag

Candy Bag
Item Type Trash
5 Happy Points
50 Moolah

Garbage left by Jenny.

An empty candy bag left out by Jenny Sanderson. It can be found in the Bedroom, Jenny's Room, and the Living Room. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 5   Happy Points and 50   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Candy Wrapper

Candy Wrapper
Item Type Trash
1 Happy Points
10 Moolah

Garbage left by Jenny.

An empty candy wrapper left out by Jenny Sanderson. It can be found in the Basement, the Bedroom, the Foyer, Jenny's Room, the Kitchen, and the Living Room. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 1   Happy Point and 10   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Cookie Box

Cookie Box
Item Type Trash
5 Happy Points
50 Moolah

Garbage left by Dad.

An empty cookie box left out by George Sanderson. It can be found in the Foyer, Jenny's Room, the Kitchen, and the Living Room. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 5   Happy Points and 50   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Cookie Crumbs

Cookie Crumbs
Item Type Trash
1 Happy Points
10 Moolah

Leftover garbage from Dad.

Some cookie crumbs dropped by George Sanderson. They can be found in the Bedroom, Jenny's Room, the Kitchen, and the Living Room. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 1   Happy Point and 10   Moolah. Alternatively, Cookie Crumbs can be fed to the fish in the Kitchen or to the ant in the Backyard. Feeding the fish for the first time per Day Cycle will reward 16   Happy Points and 16   Moolah. After that, feeding the fish will only reward 1   Happy Point and 1   Moolah until the next Day Cycle. After being fed five times, the amount of fish in the fishbowl will increase by 1, and the amount of Happy Points and Moolah earned will increase by 8 each, up to a maximum of six fish, earning 48   Happy Points and 48   Moolah per Cookie Crumbs. Feeding Cookie Crumbs to the ant in the Backyard will reward Chibi-Robo with 20   Happy Points. Occasionally at Night, the ant can be found in the Living Room, attempting to drag Cookie Crumbs outside into the Backyard. Chibi-Robo is able to steal the Cookie Crumbs from the ant, but if Chibi-Robo allows the ant to leave with the Cookie Crumbs, he will be rewarded with 20   Happy Points. Template:Clear

  Empty Bottle

Cookie Crumbs
Item Type Trash
10 Happy Points
100 Moolah

Don't cut yourself while throwing it away!

An empty bottle. It can only be found in the Basement. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 10   Happy Points and 100   Moolah. Interestingly, it is worth 10 Happy Points less than either Broken Bottle items, despite this item being a whole bottle. The Moolah is the same. Template:Clear

  Empty Can

Empty Can
Item Type Trash
5 Happy Points
50 Moolah

Garbage left by Dad.

An empty can that George Sanderson left laying around. It can be assumed that the can contained some type of soda. It can be found in the Basement, the Foyer, Jenny's Room, and the Kitchen. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 5   Happy Points and 50   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Popper Trash

Popper Trash
Item Type Trash
3 Happy Points
30 Moolah

Clean up after yourself! Celebrations ain't free!

Trash left over after Telly Vision uses his poppers to celebrate. It can be found anywhere Telly uses them. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 3   Happy Points and 30   Moolah. Template:Clear


Item Type Trash
2 Happy Points
20 Moolah

Garbage that Tao dragged in.

A twig broken off from a tree that Tao may drag inside. They can be found in the Backyard, the Kitchen, and the Living Room. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 2   Happy Points and 20   Moolah. Template:Clear


Item Type Trash
1 Happy Points
10 Moolah

Jenny used it to doodle… Dad used it as a handkerchief!

A crumpled-up piece of paper that Jenny Sanderson used to draw on before George Sanderson used it as a handkerchief. It can be found in the Basement, the Bedroom, the Foyer, Jenny's Room, the Kitchen, and the Living Room. When thrown away in a Trash Can, it is worth 1   Happy Point and 10   Moolah. Template:Clear


Item Type Trash
3 Happy Points
30 Moolah

Boring old weeds.

Weeds that have grown in the Sandersons' Backyard. When thrown away in a Trash Can, they are worth 3   Happy Points and 30   Moolah. Template:Clear

Story Items

Story Items are used to progress a character's storyline.

  AA Battery

AA Battery
Item Type Mort & Princess Sticker Story
Use Power Princess Pitts' castle

Used to operate the castle.

The AA Battery is used to power a section of Princess Pitts' castle. It is found in Jenny's Room, on one of the lower levels of the castle. The AA Battery is necessary to earn the Mort & Princess Sticker. Template:Clear


Item Type Optional Story
Use Give to Mort

Used to mend injuries or horrify bystanders.

A roll of bandages found on top of the fridge in the Kitchen. They can be given to Mort for 66   Happy Points. Template:Clear

  Block Layout

Block Layout
Item Type Dinah Sticker Story
Use Give to George Sanderson

What will be built?

Instructions for building blocks found in the Bedroom. They must be given to George Sanderson to progress Dinah's story and earn the Dinah Sticker. Giving the Block Layout to George will reward Chibi-Robo with 33   Happy Points and 50   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Blue Block

Blue Block
Item Type Dinah Sticker Story
Use Give to Dinah

A building block.

A blue building block found in the Backyard first, and then later in the Kitchen. The first time getting the Blue Block, Tao will be chewing on it in the Backyard. Chibi-Robo must trade him a Bone for it. The second time, it will be in Tao's doghouse in the Kitchen. Chibi-Robo must find building blocks and give them to Dinah to progress her story and earn the Dinah Sticker. Giving the Blue Block to Dinah will reward Chibi-Robo with 33   Happy Points and 1   Moolah. Template:Clear

  C Battery

C Battery
Item Type Mort & Princess Sticker Story
Use Power Princess Pitts' castle

Used to operate the castle.

The C Battery is used to power a section of Princess Pitts' castle. It is found in Jenny's Room, on one of the upper levels of the castle. The C Battery is necessary to earn the Mort & Princess Sticker. Template:Clear

  Circuit Schematic

Circuit Schematic
Item Type Main Story
Use Give to George Sanderson

Electronic plans for increasing the Chibi-Blaster's strength.

A schematic designed by George Sanderson several years ago when he was researching an energy wave for the Spydorz while he worked at Macroware Robotics, Inc. Chibi-Robo must use the time machine in the U.F.O. to go to the the Past to retrieve the Circuit Schematic. After giving it to George in the present, he can upgrade the Chibi-Blaster to be able to defeat the large Spydorz. Template:Clear

  D Battery

D Battery
Item Type Mort & Princess Sticker Story
Use Power Princess Pitts' castle

Used to operate the castle.

The D Battery is used to power a section of Princess Pitts' castle. It is found in Jenny's Room, on one of the upper levels of the castle. The D Battery is necessary to earn the Mort & Princess Sticker. Template:Clear

  Dad's Wedding Ring

Dad's Wedding Ring
Item Type Main Story
Use Give to George Sanderson

The number "200667" is engraved on the inside.

George Sanderson lost his wedding ring while he was cleaning and it wound up going down the Drain. The ring has his anniversary date engraved on the inside, "200667," or June 6, 1967. George uses the numbers for all of his passwords, and without it he can't remember them. Chibi-Robo needs those numbers to activate Giga-Robo. Returning Dad's Wedding Ring to George will reward Chibi-Robo with 100   Happy Points and 200   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Dinah Teeth

Dinah Teeth
Item Type Dinah Sticker Story
Use Give to Dinah

"My teef! My beautiful teef! I can't bite without 'em!"

When first meeting Dinah, she will attempt to bite Chibi-Robo because he is in the Frog Suit, but her teeth will fall out because he is made of metal. Returning Dinah Teeth to Dinah will reward Chibi-Robo with 52   Happy Points and 1   Moolah. Template:Clear


Item Type Dinah Sticker Story
Use Give to Tao

Tao's favorite food.

Bones, a dog's favorite treat, can be found either in the Kitchen or in the Backyard. Chibi-Robo must trade Tao a Bone for a Blue Block he is chewing on in the Backyard. Giving Tao a Bone will reward Chibi-Robo with 9   Happy Points and 25   Moolah, and the Blue Block. Template:Clear

  Dog Tags

Dog Tags
Item Type Free Rangers Sticker Story
Use Give to Free Rangers

"Private First Class Memphis."

Each of the Free Rangers have these. Private Memphis lost his after being kidnapped by Tao. They can be found in Tao's doghouse in the Kitchen. Chibi-Robo must give the Dog Tags to the Free Rangers to progress their story and earn the Free Rangers, Hot Rod, and Space Scrambler Stickers. Template:Clear

  Drake Redcrest Album

Drake Redcrest Album
Item Type Funky Phil Sticker Story
Use Give to Funky Phil

Looks like a best seller.

After bringing the first three Phillies to Funky Phil, he will ask Chibi-Robo to bring him the Drake Redcrest wax. It can be found in the Living Room. Upon receiving the Drake Redcrest Album, Funky Phil will reward Chibi-Robo with 16   Happy Points before dancing to it with his Phillies. After watching Funky Phil's performance, Chibi-Robo will receive an additional 35   Happy Points and 100   Moolah. Template:Clear

  Freaky Phil

Freaky Phil
Item Type Funky Phil Sticker Story
Use Give to Funky Phil

Funky Phil's child. Not like the other children...

Icon Name Description Location(s) Found In Use
  Freaky Phil Funky Phil's child. Not like
the other children...
Bedroom Bring to Funky Phil
  Free Rangers Photo A group photo of the soldiers. Foyer Bring to Sarge for 20  
  Frog Ring Give all ten to Jenny and
see what happens!
Give to Jenny for 33   & 50  
  Funky Seed Funky Phil's seed. Bedroom Plant in soil to grow Funky Phillies
  Giga-Battery Giga-Robo's rechargeable battery. Basement Charge up 10,000 kilowatts for Giga-Robo
  Giga-Battery (Full) Giga-Robo's battery. Chibi-House Bring it to Giga-Robo
  Giga-Charger Used to recharge Giga-Robo's
Basement Needed to charge the Giga-Battery
  Giga-Robo's Left Leg One of Giga-Robo's legs. Living Room Dropped by the Queen Spydor, bring it to Giga-Robo
  Green Block A building block. Jenny's Room Give to Dinah for 33   & 1  
  Gunpowder BOOM!!! Basement Give to Drake Redcrest for 66  
  Legendary Flower Seed It takes ten years for this flower
to grow!
Jenny's Room Plant it in the Past and use it to cure Sunshine's nectar addiction
  Love Letter Hopefully it gets delivered soon.
True love cannot wait.
Foyer Return these to Sophie for 33   & 1000  
  Mom's Letter Mmm... This letter contains some
bad news...
Bedroom Bring this to Mr. Sanderson for 120   & 330   from Mom
  Old Boxers Old underpants worn by Dad. Bedroom Give to Mrs. Sanderson to make Pajamas with
  Outdated Scarf A scarf worn by Mom when
she was young.
Bedroom Give to Mrs. Sanderson to make Pajamas with
  Passed-out Frog It looks like he's only passed out...
Bedroom Bring to Freida in the Backyard for 66  
  Philly Funky Phil's child. Bedroom Bring to Funky Phil
  Primopuel A popular toy. Jenny's Room Give to Mr. Sanderson for 33   & 50  
  Purple Block A building block. Bedroom Give to Dinah for 33   & 1  
  Red Block A building block. Foyer Give to Dinah for 33   & 1  
  Red Shoe Lost by someone. Jenny's Room Give to Princess Pitts for 33   from Mort and Pitts, each
  Rose A fine gift for Jenny. Living Room Give to Jenny as a birthday present
  Small Handkerchief Jenny's old handkerchief. Bedroom Give to Mrs. Sanderson to make Pajamas with
  Snorkle & Goggles Needed to move around in water. Jenny's Room Give to The Great Peekoe when he is in the fishbowl in the Kitchen for 13   & 500  , as well as The Great Peekoe Sticker
  Super Eggplant A vegetable with lots of nutrition. Backyard Give to the Bird in the Backyard for 100   and the Bird Sticker
  Tamagotchi A popular toy. Basement Give to Mr. Sanderson for 33   & 50  
  The Scurvy Splinter Yar! Avast, mateys! Time to
hunt for treasure!
Backyard Give to Captain Plankbeard for 66  
  Ticket Stub "The Horrific Mort:
A Love Story."
Bedroom Give to Mort for 66  
  Toy Receipt A receipt that Dad had hidden. Living Room Give to Mrs. Sanderson for 19   & 40  
  Treasure Map A "When the exalted one stands..." Basement Leads to the Tamagotchi
  Treasure Map B "To find this treasure, you will
need many keys."
Basement Leads to Primopuel
  Treasure Map C "Fly from the Great Tree's branch
and dig at the hollow point."
Basement Leads to Kid Eggplant
  White Block A building block. Backyard Give to Dinah for 33   & 1  
  Yellow Block A building block. Basement Give to Dinah for 33   & 1  


Icon Name Description Location(s) Found In Use
  Blue Crayon A crayon left by Jenny. Jenny's Room Place in crayon box on desk for 19   per crayon and an additional 100   when the entire box is full
  Blue Flowers So Pretty! Where ever Chibi plants them Can be given to Jenny or Mrs. Sanderson for 6   & 10  
  Cookie A must with tea. Kitchen Give to Mrs. Sanderson while having tea for 15   & 36  
  Green Crayon A crayon left by Jenny. Jenny's Room Place in crayon box on desk for 19   per crayon and an additional 100   when the entire box is full
  Pink Flower So pretty! Where ever Chibi plants them Can be given to Jenny or Mrs. Sanderson for 6   & 10  
  Purple Crayon A crayon left by Jenny. Jenny's Room Place in crayon box on desk for 19   per crayon and an additional 100   when the entire box is full
  Red Crayon A crayon left by Jenny. Jenny's Room Place in crayon box on desk for 19   per crayon and an additional 100   when the entire box is full
  Sugar Cube A must with tea. Kitchen Give to Mrs. Sanderson while having tea for 14   & 36  
  White Flowers So pretty! Where ever Chibi plants them Can be given to Jenny or Mrs. Sanderson for 6   & 10  
  Yellow Crayon A crayon left by Jenny. Jenny's Room Place in crayon box on desk for 19   per crayon and an additional 100   when the entire box is full