Items (Plug Into Adventure!)

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PIA Item Frog Ring.png

There are several Items in Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, all with varying uses.


Most Trash items typically serve no purpose other than to be thrown into a Trash Can for Happy Points and Moolah.

Icon Name Description Locations Found In Happy Points Moolah
PIA Item Broken Bottle (top).png Broken Bottle Don't cut yourself while
throwing it away!
Basement PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Broken Bottle (bottom).png Broken Bottle Don't cut yourself while
throwing it away!
Basement PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Candy Bag.png Candy Bag Garbage left by Jenny. Bedroom
Jenny's Room
Living Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Candy Wrapper.png Candy Wrapper Garbage left by Jenny. Basement
Jenny's Room
Living Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Cookie Box.png Cookie Box Garbage left by Dad. Foyer
Jenny's Room
Living Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Cookie Crumbs.png Cookie Crumbs Leftover garbage from Dad. Bedroom
Jenny's Room
Living Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Empty Bottle.png Empty Bottle Don't cut yourself while
throwing it away!
Basement PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Empty Can.png Empty Can Garbage left by Dad. Basement
Jenny's Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Popper Trash.png Popper Trash Clean up after yourself!
Celebrations ain't free!
Anywhere Telly Vision can be PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Twig.png Twig Garbage that Tao dragged in. Backyard
Living Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Wastepaper.png Wastepaper Jenny used it to doodle…
Dad used it as a handkerchief!
Jenny's Room
Living Room
PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Weeds.png Weeds Boring old weeds. Backyard PIA Happy Point.png
PIA moolah.png

Story Items

Icon Name Description Location(s) Found In Use
PIA Item AA Battery.png AA Battery Used to operate the castle. Jenny's Room Powers part of Princess Pitts' castle
PIA Item Bandage.png Bandage Used to mend injuries or horrify
Kitchen Give to Mort for 66 PIA Happy Point.png
PIA Item Blue Block.png Blue Block A building block. Backyard
Give to Dinah for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 1 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item C Battery.png C Battery Used to operate the castle. Jenny's Room Powers part of Princess Pitts' castle
PIA Item Circuit Schematic.png Circuit Schematic Electronic plans for increasing
the Chibi-Blaster's strength.
Bedroom (The Past) Give to George Sanderson to upgrade the Chibi-Blaster
PIA Item D Battery.png D Battery Used to operate the castle. Jenny's Room Powers part of Princess Pitts' castle
File:PIA Item Dad's Wedding Ring.png Dad's Wedding Ring The number "200667" is engraved
on the inside.
Kitchen Give to George Sanderson for 100 PIA Happy Point.png & 200 PIA moolah.png; Use code to open briefcase in Bedroom.
PIA Item Dinah Teeth.png Dinah Teeth "My teef! My beautiful teef!
I can't bite without 'em!"
Bedroom Give back to Dinah for 52 PIA Happy Point.png & 1 PIA moolah.png
File:PIA Item Dog Bone.png Dog Bone Tao's favorite food. Backyard
Give to Tao for 9 PIA Happy Point.png & 25 PIA moolah.png to trade for Blue Block
PIA Item Dog Tags.png Dog Tags "Private First Class Memphis." Kitchen Show to Free Rangers after some soldiers go AWOL
PIA Item Drake Redcrest Album.png Drake Redcrest Album Looks like a best seller. Living Room Bring to Funky Phil for 16 PIA Happy Point.png
PIA Item Freaky Phil.png Freaky Phil Funky Phil's child. Not like
the other children...
Bedroom Bring to Funky Phil
PIA Item Free Rangers Photo.png Free Rangers Photo A group photo of the soldiers. Foyer Bring to Sarge for 20 PIA Happy Point.png
PIA Item Frog Ring.png Frog Ring Give all ten to Jenny and
see what happens!
Give to Jenny for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 50 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Funky Seed.png Funky Seed Funky Phil's seed. Bedroom Plant in soil to grow Funky Phillies
PIA Giga-Battery item empty.png Giga-Battery Giga-Robo's rechargeable battery. Basement Charge up 10,000 kilowatts for Giga-Robo
PIA Giga-Battery item full.png Giga-Battery (Full) Giga-Robo's battery. Chibi-House Bring it to Giga-Robo
PIA Giga-Charger item.png Giga-Charger Used to recharge Giga-Robo's
Basement Needed to charge the Giga-Battery
File:PIA Item Giga-Robo's Left Leg.png Giga-Robo's Left Leg One of Giga-Robo's legs. Living Room Dropped by the Queen Spydor, bring it to Giga-Robo
PIA Item Green Block.png Green Block A building block. Jenny's Room Give to Dinah for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 1 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Gunpowder.png Gunpowder BOOM!!! Basement Give to Drake Redcrest for 66 PIA Happy Point.png
PIA Item Legendary Flower Seed.png Legendary Flower Seed It takes ten years for this flower
to grow!
Jenny's Room Plant it in the Past and use it to cure Sunshine's nectar addiction
PIA Item Love Letter.png Love Letter Hopefully it gets delivered soon.
True love cannot wait.
Foyer Return these to Sophie for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 1000 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Mom's Letter.png Mom's Letter Mmm... This letter contains some
bad news...
Bedroom Bring this to Mr. Sanderson for 120 PIA Happy Point.png & 330 PIA moolah.png from Mom
PIA Item Old Boxers.png Old Boxers Old underpants worn by Dad. Bedroom Give to Mrs. Sanderson to make Pajamas with
PIA Item Outdated Scarf.png Outdated Scarf A scarf worn by Mom when
she was young.
Bedroom Give to Mrs. Sanderson to make Pajamas with
PIA Item Passed-out Frog.png Passed-out Frog It looks like he's only passed out...
Bedroom Bring to Freida in the Backyard for 66 PIA Happy Point.png
PIA Item Philly.png Philly Funky Phil's child. Bedroom Bring to Funky Phil
PIA Item Primopuel.png Primopuel A popular toy. Jenny's Room Give to Mr. Sanderson for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 50 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Purple Block.png Purple Block A building block. Bedroom Give to Dinah for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 1 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Red Block.png Red Block A building block. Foyer Give to Dinah for 33 PIA Happy Point.png & 1 PIA moolah.png
PIA Item Red Shoe.png Red Shoe Lost by someone. Jenny's Room Give to Princess Pitts for 33 PIA Happy Point.png from Mort and Pitts, each
PIA Item Rose.png Rose A fine gift for Jenny. Living Room Give to Jenny as a birthday present