Hi! I'm better known in the internet as JMS, with J.M.S being my name when the other is unavailable (And J,M.S is the result of a... typographycal error...). I only own the first game, as I live in Portugal and I had to import even the first game (Gamecube games aren't sold here... Nintendo DS games, however, are, but since there's no Wal-Mart here...). I've cleared the first game countless times, also finishing all side-missions in all of those times except for the Space Scrambler, in which I only had an S once. My favourite lines are those of Drake Redcrest (For example: "If justice defeats justice... Is it justice? OH THE HUMANITY! The life-bending cumundrum! The very pain of life itself!"), but I also like the other character's, especially the ones with humor (Example: Telly Vision: "I think a flower would be a nice reply"(This is after he reads Sophie's letter to Drake Redcrest and misinterprets it as a letter from Mrs. Sanderson to himself)).
I'm looking forward to acquiring Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol soon, somehow.