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Purpose Progression
Appearances Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!
Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!
Related Happy Point

The Chibi-Robo Ranking, or Chibi-Ranking, is a system developed by Citrusoft Robotics to measure how effective a Chibi-Robo is at it's job. As a Chibi-Robo collects more Happy Points, it's Chibi-Ranking will increase, with Citrusoft even sending rewards for reaching certain milestones. The Chibi-Ranking is only updated when the Chibi-Robo uses the Outlet in their Chibi-House.


Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!

In Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, the Sandersons' Chibi-Robo starts with a Chibi-Ranking of 1,000,000. The Chibi-House has a Chibi-Ranking board above the Chibi-PC, which displays the Chibi-Robo's current Chibi-Ranking. When a Chibi-Ranking milestone is reached, Citrusoft Robotics will send him a Bonus Battery as a reward to increase his maximum battery. If the Chibi-Robo enters the top 10 of the Chibi-Rankings, colored LED blocks will be placed on either side of the Chibi-Ranking board, one for each spot earned in the top 10. Reaching a Chibi-Ranking of 1 is only achievable by reactivating Giga-Robo, and Citrusoft rewards Chibi-Robo by upgrading him to Super Chibi-Robo.

Chibi-Ranking Stats & Rewards
Chibi-Ranking Happy Point Total Max Battery
1,000,000 - 100,001 - 80
100,000 - 10,001 80 100
10,000 - 1,001 200 120
1,000 - 101 440 140
100 - 11 800 160
10 1280 180
9 1780 200
8 2380 230
7 3080 260
6 3880 290
5 4780 320
4 5780 360
3 6880 420
2 8080 500
1 -

Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!

In Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!, Jenny Sanderson's Chibi-Robo starts with a Chibi-Ranking of 1,000,000. When a Chibi-Ranking milestone is reached, Citrusoft Robotics will send him a Bonus Battery as a reward to increase his maximum battery as well as increase how far the Maintenance Machine can extend the maximum cord length. In addition, certain milestones will unlock extra Wonder Timers. Happy Points and Rich Points count towards increasing the Chibi-Ranking. However, Sad Points have the chance of reversing Chibi-Ranking progress if too many are accumulated.

Chibi-Ranking Stats & Rewards
Chibi-Ranking Happy Point Total Max Cord Length Max Watts Wonder Timer
1,000,000 - 500,001 - 60cm 60 -
500,000 - 200,001 90 90cm 80 7 and a half minutes
200,000 - 100,001 250 120cm 100 -
100,000 - 50,001 480 150cm 120 10 minutes
50,000 - 20,001 780 180cm 140 -
20,000 - 10,001 1150 210cm 160 12 minutes
10,000 - 1,001 1590 240cm 180 -
1,000 - 101 2100 270cm 200 15 minutes
100 - 11 2680 300cm 220 -
10 - 4 3340 330cm 240 -
3 4140 360cm 260 -
2 5140 400cm 280 -
1 6440 500cm 300 -


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image gallery click here