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Suits is costumes worn by Chibi-Robo all up in tha straight-up original gangsta Chibi-Robo! game. They can be found up in tha bottom row of tha Weapons Menu, which can be reached by pressin tha X button on tha controlla n' shit. Bustin suits aint gonna restrict Chibi-Robo's movement or interaction capabilitizzles durin tha game fo' realz. All suits come equipped wit a Pose, which can be accessed by pressin Z. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat Posin can be straight-up drainin ta Chibi-Robo's juice supply.

Different Suits

There is seven different suits (not includin tha default suit) available all up in gameplay. Da default suit be a metal exterior.

Trauma Suit

Main article: Trauma Suit
Da Trauma Suit Posing

Da easiest suit ta receive is tha Trauma Suit. This suit is unlocked by either lettin yo' battery run outta power, or bein purchased up in tha online store all up in tha end of tha game fo' 911 Moolah. If choosin ta let Chibi-Robo run outta power, yo big-ass booty is ghon be brought back ta tha Chibi-House by Telly n' will raise up bustin tha suit. If Z is pressed, Chibi-Robo will pose by droppin dead n' will then be taken ta tha Chibi-Doggy Den wit no time passed.

Drake Redcrest Suit

Main article: Drake Redcrest Suit
Da Drake Redcrest Suit Posing

Gain dis suit afta gettin tha toothbrush n' cleanin all dem stains. Talk ta Drake Redcrest ta git tha suit afta tha TV mysteriously turns on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass will need dis suit ta git tha fuck into tha kitchen. In order ta Pose, you must rap ta Drake Redcrest again n' again n' again afta receivin tha suit fo' realz. As soon as he poses, press Z ta copy his thugged-out lil' pose. Da pose be a sick, heroic stizzle wit fireworks behind you (that resemble flatulence). Da pose is mainly effectizzle on Drake Redcrest n' Sophie yo, but will work on other charactas as well, includin Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, whoz ass especially rides hard fo' dat shit.

Pimp Suit

Main article: Pimp Suit
Da Pimp Suit

Pose wit tha Trauma suit n' wait until you raise up in tha Chibi-House bustin tha suit. Oddly enough, tha costume do not contain any arms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. Da pose is simply tiny pimps encirclin Chibi-Robo's feet n' a extended tongue. Well shiiiit, it tendz ta scare other characters, especially biatch characters. If used round aiiight Spydorz, they will blow up.

Frog Suit

Main article: Frog Suit
Da Frog Suit

This suit can be gained by squirtin tha froggy frog up in tha backyard three times wit tha Wata Squirter, found beneath Jennyz TV Cabinet. Da pose consistz of a "Ribbit." With tha suit, yo ass be also able ta converse wit Jenny, any frogs you come across, n' tha Bluebird.

Tao Suit

Main article: Tao Suit
Da Tao Suit

In order ta bust dis suit you must complete tha hustlin missions up in tha Jacked Rangers side quest n' show Sarge Memphis' tha dawg tags, which can be found up in Taoz dawg house. By pressin Z yo ass be able ta Crouch n' Bark like Tao, which scares nuff characters. Da suit works well on Tao n' tha Jacked Rangers. With tha suit yo ass be able ta rap wit Tao.

Pajama Suit

Main article: Pajamas
Da Pajama Suit

Talk ta Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson durin tha dizzle afta dat freaky freaky biatch has locked her muthafuckin ass up in her room n' she’ll ask you ta find some oldschool threadz ta make tha fuck into a suit fo' you, biatch. There is three piecez of threadz:

  • Oldskool Boxers, found under tha bed, she’ll make blue polka-dot pajamas wit these.
  • Lil Small-Ass Handkerchizzle, found on tha window ledge by tha bed, she’ll make pink polda-dot pajamas wit these.
  • Outdated Scarf, found on a high shelf up in tha north, use tha bridge ta reach dat shit.

Give these three ta her afta collectin dem all n' she’ll make pink crown pajamas outta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. Posin up in dis suit will end tha half dizzle by makin Chibi-Robo lie on tha ground n' fall asleep.

Supa Chibi-Robo Suit

Main article: Supa Chibi-Robo Suit
Da Supa Chibi-Robo Pose

To bust dis suit, all you need ta do is revive Giga-Robo, n' you’ll automatically be given rank number 1 up in tha Chibi-Ranks. (Yo ass can’t become number 1 up in tha rankings without revivin Giga-Robo.) By pressin Z you gonna stand wit yo' hand up in tha air n' you rotate. This don’t straight-up do anythang special on anybody. In fact, rap ta some muthafucka once wit it on n' they won’t even notice you bustin it a second time, you also raise up every last muthafuckin dizzle wit dis suit on.