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ZL Icon Albums Trash.png
Purpose Progression
Appearances Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!
Chibi-Robo! Park Patrol
Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!
Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash
Related Happy Point

Trash is a type of item that appears throughout the Chibi-Robo! series, though it functions differently in each game.

Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!

In Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, Trash items can be found throughout The Sandersons' House. When disposed of in a Trash Can, Chibi-Robo will be awarded with PIA Icon Happy Point.png Happy Points and PIA Icon Moolah.png Moolah, with varying amounts based on the type of trash held. Chibi-Robo can hold up to 10 of each type of Trash before being unable to pick up more. When delivering Trash to a Trash Can, Chibi-Robo will pull all Trash in his inventory of a specific type, and then the player can press GCN A.png to throw it in, or GCN B.png to keep that trash and move on to the next type. This is particularly useful for keeping Cookie Crumbs, as they have multiple uses outside of being thrown away, such as being fed to the Fish in the Kitchen, or being fed to the Ant in the Backyard.

Icon Name Description Location Happy Points Moolah
PIA Item Broken Bottle (top).png Broken Bottle Don't cut yourself while throwing it away! Basement PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Candy Bag.png Candy Bag Garbage left by Jenny. Bedroom, Jenny's Room, Living Room PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Candy Wrapper.png Candy Wrapper Garbage left by Jenny. Basement, Bedroom, Foyer, Jenny's Room, Kitchen, Living Room PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Cookie Box.png Cookie Box Garbage left by Dad. Foyer, Jenny's Room, Kitchen, Living Room PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Cookie Crumbs.png Cookie Crumbs Leftover garbage from Dad. Bedroom, Jenny's Room, Kitchen, Living Room PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Empty Bottle.png Empty Bottle Don't cut yourself while throwing it away! Basement PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Empty Can.png Empty Can Garbage left by Dad. Basement, Foyer, Jenny's Room, Kitchen PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Popper Trash.png Popper Trash Clean up after yourself! Celebrations ain't free! Chibi-House PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Twig.png Twig Garbage that Tao dragged in. Backyard, Kitchen, Living Room PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Wastepaper.png Wastepaper Jenny used it to doodle… Dad used it as a handkerchief! Basement, Bedroom, Foyer, Jenny's Room, Kitchen, Living Room PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png
PIA Item Weeds.png Weeds Boring old weeds. Backyard PIA Icon Happy Point.png
PIA Icon Moolah.png

Chibi-Robo! Park Patrol

Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!

Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder

Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash

In Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash, Trash items are found throughout the Stages and each World has unique Trash to it. There are 44 types of Trash items to find, and can be viewed in the Trash Album in the Chibi-PC to read their descriptions. It is unknown who wrote the descriptions, as they read from a first-person point of view. Trash can be disposed of in the Generator to generate Watts for the Chibi-House.

Number Icon Name Description Location Watts
001 ZL Icon Trash 001 Monster Debris.png monster debris All that's left of a mechanical monster the Gyorians crafted using some of the resources they stole from Earth. For a product of alien technology, this trash seems rather...ordinary. How very disappointing. Dropped by most enemies ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
002 ZL Icon Trash 002 Old Tennis Ball.png old tennis ball Don't throw away old tennis balls. They have lots of uses! Did you know that you can cut them up and use the rubber as pads for furniture feet? Oceania ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
003 ZL Icon Trash 003 Rectangular Fish Can.png rectangular fish can I really like cats. My mom really likes them too. But cats don't seem to like either of us very much. They just want us to open cans of fish for them... Oceania ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
004 ZL Icon Trash 004 Citrusoft Coffee Cup.png Citrusoft coffee cup I wonder if they have robot baristas at Citrusoft... It IS where Chibi-Robo was made, after all. If they do, I bet those robots make lovely latte art. Oceania ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
005 ZL Icon Trash 005 Metal Bottle Cap.png metal bottle cap Have you ever noticed how a bottle cap looks like a crown when it's turned upside down? So...basically a king's crown is a flipped-over bottle cap. Oceania ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
006 ZL Icon Trash 006 Broken Blue Mug.png broken blue mug If you have a favorite mug, be sure to take good care of it. Like a dear friend, it will always be there for you as long as you don't mistreat it. Oceania ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
007 ZL Icon Trash 007 Robo-Roo Wreckage.png Robo-Roo wreckage The aliens set their first mecha-boss loose in Oceania. Now, this is all that's left of it. Since it was built out of stolen resources, I guess you can't really call it "space junk," can you? 1-B, dropped by Robo-Roo ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
008 ZL Icon Trash 008 Plastic Bottle Cap.png plastic bottle cap Do you remember how old you were when you first opened a bottle on your own? I bet it was a proud moment, like the first time you tied your shoes! North Africa ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
009 ZL Icon Trash 009 Wastepaper.png wastepaper Citrusoft's generators are amazing. They can transform trash like this into power! It's the very latest in recycling tech, you know. North Africa ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
010 ZL Icon Trash 010 Broken Lightbulb.png broken lightbulb Ah, the mighty lightbulb. The symbol of invention! I wonder...what did they call the symbol of invention BEFORE the lightbulb was invented? North Africa ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
011 ZL Icon Trash 011 Blue Drink Can.png blue drink can Something about this can tells me that it once contained a really refreshing drink. Maybe some sort of juice that was just perfect on a very hot day? North Africa ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
012 ZL Icon Trash 012 Brown Bottle.png brown bottle Brown bottles are handy when you want to protect whatever is inside from the sun. They're basically sunglasses for drinks! North Africa ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
013 ZL Icon Trash 013 King Kabombra Wreckage.png King Kabombra wreckage I heard that this mecha-boss's deadly laser beam was focused through a big gem that the aliens found in an old ruin. Sadly, that stone doesn't seem to be mixed in with this scrap. 2-B, dropped by King Kabombra ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
014 ZL Icon Trash 014 Lost Fishhook.png lost fishhook Be sure to pack up your fishing gear properly. It'd be so awful if someone got hurt on this! I'm glad you picked it up and made the world a bit safer. The Caribbean ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
015 ZL Icon Trash 015 Banana Peel.png banana peel Last night, I had a terrifying dream. A big gorilla riding a kart passed the car I was riding in, and then he went and threw a HUGE banana peel at me! Gah! The Caribbean ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
016 ZL Icon Trash 016 Yellow Drink Can.png yellow drink can Yellow always makes me think of lemons and electricity... Oooh! Do you think this was an electrified lemon drink? I bet robots would LOVE that. The Caribbean ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
017 ZL Icon Trash 017 Coconut Can.png coconut can If a coconut washes ashore, I imagine the tropical island it floated in from, but if a can of coconut washes up, I just wonder who the litterbug was. The Caribbean ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
018 ZL Icon Trash 018 Skinny Green Bottle.png skinny green bottle I don't know what was in it originally... Perfume? Cooking oil? Medicine? All I know is it makes a nice sound when you blow air across its top. The Caribbean ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
019 ZL Icon Trash 019 Old Ironhide Wreckage.png Old Ironhide wreckage Old Ironhide sure looked like one giant boss monster, but if you think about it, since Chibi-Robo is only four inches tall, it can't really have been all that terribly big. ...Maybe the size of a sea bass? 3-B, dropped by Old Ironhide ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
020 ZL Icon Trash 020 Old Newspaper.png old newspaper Newspapers are extremely handy for crafting and lots of other projects once you've finished reading them, and they get delivered every day. How terribly convenient! Europe ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
021 ZL Icon Trash 021 Paint Tube.png paint tube It looks like this used to be filled with blue paint. Someone must have really been going all out painting seas and skies in their landscapes. Europe ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
022 ZL Icon Trash 022 Strange Blue Bottle.png strange blue bottle What an unusual bottle. Maybe it held some sort of magical cream...and it made its user vanish! That would explain why it wasn't disposed of properly... Europe ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
023 ZL Icon Trash 023 Vending-Machine Cup.png vending-machine cup Someone probably took a nice little break right where you found this. It might have only been for five minutes, but I hope it felt refreshing. Europe ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
024 ZL Icon Trash 024 Apple Core.png apple core Apple cores really are the royalty of trash. Banana peels and old, empty cans are all well and good, but they can't hold a candle to apple cores. Europe ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
025 ZL Icon Trash 025 Count Umbrahla Wreckage.png Count Umbrahla wreckage The aliens really put some creativity into this creepy mecha-boss. In the end, though, Chibi-Robo turned it into a pile of wreckage. Now, it's no more useful than a pile of broken umbrellas. 4-B, dropped by Count Umbrahla ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
026 ZL Icon Trash 026 Disposable Coffee Cup.png disposable coffee cup When a few humble coffee beans are hand selected and roasted with the utmost care, an elegant barista can sell the results for a tidy profit. North America ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
027 ZL Icon Trash 027 Old Baseball.png old baseball I've heard that in the old days players would sew damaged balls like this one back together. If someone wanted to do that now, this ball wouldn't be trash at all! North America ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
028 ZL Icon Trash 028 Old Matchbook.png old matchbox Oooh, there are still a couple of matches left! If you were out camping and wanted to start a fire, I bet they'd really come in handy. North America ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
029 ZL Icon Trash 029 Red Drink Can.png red drink can This can looks like it has been kicked around a fair bit. It used to hold juice, but it could serve a very different purpose if it's recycled and gets to start a new life. North America ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
030 ZL Icon Trash 030 Toliet-Paper Roll.png toilet-paper roll These look so thin and bare without the warmth of their two-ply coats. I wonder where this tumbling, tossed-away tube blew in from. North America ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
031 ZL Icon Trash 031 Construktor Wreckage.png Construktor wreckage Construktor really seemed to know its way around industrial equipment. Did it make the troublesome blocks that Chibi-Robo runs into in the stages? Hmm... I wonder... 5-B, dropped by Construktor ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
032 ZL Icon Trash 032 Green Drink Can.png green drink can I've heard that some folks are really into energy drinks like this one. I can't handle them, though. Too much energy for me! I think I'll stick with water. The South Pole ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
033 ZL Icon Trash 033 Crumpled-Up Note.png crumpled-up note Ooh, what's on this piece of paper?! Maybe it's a map to hidden treasure or part of a super-duper-secret scientific discovery! ...Nope. It's blank. The South Pole ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
034 ZL Icon Trash 034 Broken White Mug.png broken white mug Someone loved this mug once, but as soon as it was broken, they threw it away and forgot all about it. I know it's just a mug, but still, that's rather sad. The South Pole ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
035 ZL Icon Trash 035 Oval Fish Can.png oval fish can An army of plump sardines used to be stationed inside this can. I wonder whose mouth they charged into... Could it have been a Chibi-tot's? The South Pole ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
036 ZL Icon Trash 036 Small Broken Lightbulb.png small broken lightbulb One more light extinguished and lost to the eternal night of broken things. I want to tell it to wake up and shine, but it can't hear me anymore... The South Pole ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
037 ZL Icon Trash 037 Mothership Wreckage.png Mothership wreckage Part of the aliens' Mothership. While it's not made of earthly material, it seems to have the exact same power-generating potential as any other heap of mecha-boss wreckage. 6-B, dropped by the Mothership ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
038 ZL Icon Trash 038 Old Toy Top.png old toy top Imagine you had a top at the center of the planet and you had to make sure it kept spinning round and round so that Earth would keep turning. You'd be the hub of the whole world! Asia ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
039 ZL Icon Trash 039 Ponzu Bottle.png ponzu bottle This bottle once held a tasty, citrus-based sauce. It's made with vinegar, which extends its shelf life so that people all over the world can enjoy it. Asia ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
040 ZL Icon Trash 040 Elegant Paper.png elegant paper This beautiful paper is covered with images inspired by Asian culture. I bet someone tried to use it for origami but got frustrated and crumpled it up. Asia ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
041 ZL Icon Trash 041 Broken Bowl.png broken bowl An old Japanese tale tells of a boy just over an inch tall who used a bowl like this as a boat when he went off to become a samurai. Take notes, Chibi-Robo! Asia ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
042 ZL Icon Trash 042 Broken Hairpin.png broken hairpin Hairpins used to be a must-have hair accessory, but this one's broken. The hair it held flew wild and free. ...Say, that gives me an idea for a song. Asia ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
043 ZL Icon Trash 043 Ironhide Mk. II Wreckage.png Ironhide Mk. II wreckage What's left of the improved Ironhide that showed up in Asia. I wonder if it ever felt disappointed that it didn't get to be the boss of one of the other worlds. 7-5, dropped by Ironhide Mk. II ZL Icon Watt Counter.png
044 ZL Icon Trash 044 Construktor Mk. II Wreckage.png Construktor Mk. II wreckage When Construktor teamed up with a mighty Spindroid, I'm sure it imagined achieving a perfect victory over Chibi-Robo, but that just wasn't meant to be. 7-6, dropped by Construktor Mk. II ZL Icon Watt Counter.png