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Jp name アカペラ (Akapera)
Gender Female
Occupation Alarm Clock
Height 17 cm (6.69 in)
Appearances Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!

Acappella is a toy character in Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!. She is an alarm clock with the appearance of a particularly colorful toucan. She believes that she is a normal bird, and the real birds she talks to insist that she is to mess with her. She struggles to fly, and thinks her alarm going off is a seizure attack.

Acappella's Toy Box

Acappella's Toy Box can be found in Jenny's closet in a box to the left. It gives the following information:

  • Length: 17cm
  • Type: Alarm clock
  • Yearning: The big city
  • Pride: Voice
  • Warning for noisy sounds


Acappella can initially be found in Jenny's Room on top of the table next to her futon. You can reach her by climbing onto the vanity and using the Telly pad hidden in the lefthand drawer to have Telly pull Chibi-Robo's plug onto the bed area to climb up. There is an outlet between the table and futon that activates a set of stairs for easier access.

When you talk to Acappella, she will eventually run out of battery and you'll have to insert the new one found in the crawlspace where Skullton is. After fixing her, Acappella asks if there is anything in the house she could use to "fix" her voice. She will ask which room she should go to to find it, and you should say "no" to each room until she asks about the kitchen. However if you feel like toying with her, she does have unique dialogues for each room she visits before the kitchen. She also teaches Chibi Robo that the shoji screen is breakable, after which you can tear holes by swinging Chibi-Robo's plug and hitting it. This is not needed to grant access to the opposite side of the shoji paper, but it does show you how to do it.

After telling Acappella to go to the kitchen, you will be able to find her there on any following night. However, she will not appear until you advance Ketchup's storyline. When Acappella and Ketchup are both in the kitchen, they will have a conversation that leads to the next part of each of their storylines. You will be able to get the box of cough drops that is on the high shelf over the sink and deliver it to Acappella, but the cough drops only soothe her harsh voice for a brief moment. Remembering that Ketchup mentioned something about nectar, she tells Chibi-Robo to meet her in the backyard.

When you go to the backyard, the bird bullies return to mock Acappella for being unable to fly or swim to reach the nectar flower on the island in the pond. The flower is also wilted and cannot be harvested, but Ketchup is able to make it bloom by playing his guitar. Using the diving costume obtained from Mesa, you must go through the pipes to come out at the island. Chibi-Robo will use the Squirter to suck up the flower's nectar, and then you must go back through the pipes and to the backyard to spray it on Acappella. Eating the nectar makes her voice become beautiful like a real bird's.

After talking to her in Jenny's room on a subsequent day, there will later be a scene showing Jenny waking up late for work. When you talk to Acappella again after this happens, she'll wonder why Jenny didn't wake up when she normally does. The bird bullies return and finally reveal to Acappella that she's an alarm clock, and that her new "proper" singing voice isn't suited to waking people up. Accepting her role as an alarm clock, she asks Chibi-Robo to help turn her voice back. By spraying her with water from the Squirter, Acappella will clear her throat and go back to her loud and grating ringing. She invites Chibi-Robo and Telly to come back the next morning.

The next day, Telly will take you to Acappella and you witness her wake Jenny up. Jenny thanks Chibi-Robo and Telly for fixing her clock. The bullies arrive to make fun of Acappella's annoying voice, but she is no longer ashamed of it which bores the bullies and prompts them to leave. She does however still desire to be a bird.

Completing Acappella's story gives you a new piece of wall art that displays in the Hallway near the front door.

Spraying Acapella with the Squirter at any point other than necessary loses you a happy point, because she feels the water in the Squirter is cold.