Chibi-Robo! Park Patrol

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Da cover of tha Uptown Gangsta version

Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol is tha sequel ta Chibi-Robo! fo' tha Nintendo DS. Well shiiiit, it focuses on bustin a Park grow wit Flowers.

Da game has nuff environmentalist themes n' highlights tha importizzle of parks n' tha dangerz of bullshit ta tha environment.


Da game starts wit a PSA fo' tha Bloomin Chibi-Robo. Da finishin touches is just bein placed on tha Bloomin Chibi-Robo proto-type n' it is demonstrated ta tha press. Then, they distribute tha Chibi-Robos ta parks round tha ghetto free of charge.

Bloomin Chibi-Robo arrives at a park up in desperate need of help, havin been almost forsaken by tha playaz of tha town.  Chibi-Robo make playaz wit nuff of tha townz toys whoz ass can help rebuild tha park yo, but be also faced by foes determined ta spread bullshit n' stop tha revitalization by any means necessary.



  • When dis game was busted out up in Uptown America; dat shiznit was busted out as a Walmart-exclusive (because of Skip Ltd.z alleged 'strong environmenstrual program n' hood givin campaign')
  • Nintendo of Tha Ghetto gave up packetz of seedz ta 500 randomly-selected playas whoz ass registered dis game on tha companyz joint as a promotion fo' tha game.