Drake Redcrest

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Drake as itz peeped up in Chibi Robo! Photo Finder!

Space Hunta Drake Redcrest (usually shortened to Drake Redcrest) is one of tha toys up in Chibi Robo yo. Dude be a action figure dat is supposed ta be a Space Hunta n' has his own TV show, which Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson loves ta watch. Dat punk tha one whoz ass gives Chibi Robo tha Drake Redcrest Suit n' teaches Chibi how tha fuck ta pose fo' realz. Afta tha straight-up original gangsta utilibot is made, da thug will begin ta start a freshly smoked up move. When Sunshine destroys Supa-Hoe Pizzles' castle, Drake tries ta stop Sunshine, only ta make Sunshine mo' mad salty. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sunshine begins ta battle Drake, whoz ass tries rockin a gangbangin' forceshield. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Unfortunately fo' him, Sunshine was also up in tha forceshield providin no protection fo' Drake leadin ta Sunshine punchin his ass ta tha ground.

Dat punk one of tha straight-up original gangsta toys Chibi encountas up in tha game n' can be often peeped "patrolling" tha livin room.


Drake tendz ta be loyal ta stickin ta Justice n' tries ta stop anythang dat tha pimpin' muthafucka be thinkin is evil. Drake appears ta not be smarta than he looks at times his thugged-out lil' punk-ass becomes forgetful n' at times gets distracted from his fuckin lil' duties.

Physical Description

Drakez costume resemblez various 1970z Japanese superhero tracksuits like Neo Roider Cassshern, or Gatchaman sportin a helmet wit a funky-ass blue visor, n' a yellow V on his chest yo. His head is barely peeped at times all up in tha shield of his helmet, n' when visible, it is shown dat his "teeth" is always showing, as if lookin furious. This trait is exclusive ta his original gangsta appearance, as up in Captain Rainbow, his chin portrudes n' is tha only visible part of his head while up in Photo Finder, only his wild lil' fuckin eye brows n' part of his wild lil' fuckin eyes is distinguishable. In his original gangsta appearizzle up in Chibi-Robo Plug tha fuck into Adventure, dat schmoooove muthafucka has a funky-ass blasta on tha right side of his belt, while up in Chibi-Robo Photo Finder, da ruffneck aint gots it along wit his original gangsta belt, sportin a mo' thin one dat includes a freshly smoked up design on tha buckle rather than tha original gangsta symbol.



  • Drake is one of tha straight-up original gangsta toys peeped up in tha game.
  • Drake is possibly unaware dat tha aliens helped Giga-Robo brang tha toys ta game n' helpin Giga-Robo git internal battery cuz of wantin ta defeat dem wild-ass muthafuckas.
  • Drake be a toy, yet dat schmoooove muthafucka has supa powers.
  • Shootin Drake wit tha Chibi-Blaster will make his helmet blink, revealin his bald head.
  • In tha Japanese version, Drakez helmet has a funky-ass blue visor, while up in tha U.S. version, it is yellow. In Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, it Drakez visor is blue up in both versions.
  • Dude appears as a third-party characta up in a 2008 Japanese-only game called Captain Rainbow, also a Skip game. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Surprisingly, his visorz color up in tha trailaz was yellow like up in tha U.S. version of Chibi Robo! yo, but dis was eventually chizzled back ta blue up in tha final version of tha game.
  • In his Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder appearance, his wild lil' fuckin eyebrows is visible but is humorously placed at a low posizzle of his wild lil' face.
  • Drakez design is based off of a anime pimp called 'Gatchaman'. Drakez Japanese name is 'Giccoman' similar ta dat of Gatchaman.
  • In Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, Drake is much bigger than Chibi-Robo, as if da thug was a real game action figure. In tha next game, Chibi-Robo! Zip-Lash, he retains his fuckin lil' design yo, but be almost as tall as Chibi-Robo.