Jenny Sanderson

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Jenny is tha daughta of Mrs. n' Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson.


Jizzy has reddish brown afro n' wears a type of froggy frog headgear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch wears what tha fuck appears ta be a type of hoodie wit ass buttons n' a skirt down all up in tha end, her afro is up in buns up in back n' droppin straight tha fuck into her bangs up in front (of tha afro you can peep under tha froggy frog cap) her socks gotz a strawberry imprint on dem all up in tha knee n' covers most of her lower legs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch also wears a type of red ta white dress shoes.


Jizzy Is a gangbangin' funk gangbangin 8 year oldschool dat seems ta trip off drawin n' colorin (which her dope ass do up in tha livin room of tha house) she, as it seems appears ta trip off stayin up late as well as her ass is never asleep unless all up in some game event. Da sound she make is probably tha japanese onomatopeia of tha frog: "gero, gero".

Jizzy appears ta be "learning" how tha fuck ta drop a rhyme her natizzle language again n' again n' again since she forgot how tha fuck when tha "Frog Wizard" cursed her ta become a gangbangin' frog fo' realz. At tha climax of tha game she be able ta drop a rhyme mo' lyrics beside ribbit.


Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure biaaatch!

Jizzy appears first up in tha openin up in which Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson reveals his wild lil' freakadelic gift ta her be a Chibi-Robo. all her dope ass do is smile n' say her word "ribbit" ta seein tha strange robot, afta tha scene Telly Vision alerts Chibi dat since it aint nuthin but a funky-ass birthdizzle they should git Jizzy a present fo' realz. Afta climbin ta tha top of a lil' small-ass vase Chibi obtains a gangbangin' flower dat he gives ta Jizzy as her birthdizzle present.

First, Jizzy appears bustin up like a biatch all up in tha bottom of tha stairs leadin ta her bedroom, afta tha big-ass fight tha Sanderson household overtook just all dem minutes earlier, her momma comes up in tha room n' ordaz her upstairs, she looks at Chibi but continues up tha stairs.

Afta Chibi buildz a Ladder Utilibot up in tha Foyer he be able ta move up tha fuck into Jennyz Room, inside tha lil metal robot findz Her starin blankly at a gangbangin' flickerin image on her lil' small-ass pink TV located on her Sunshine fruity-ass malt liquor table fo' realz. Afta Chibi triggers tha above scene tha next time dat schmoooove muthafucka headz tha fuck into her bedroom when her ass is there tha Images on tha TV flicker on n' off again, dis time fasta but like last time leavin n' returnin removes tha effect. When Chibi finds, n' activates tha Time Machine Chibi soon realizes, up in tha past Jizzy has not been born yet, so her dope ass aint gots any memoriez of tha Giga-Robo when tha Sanderson household first purchased it fo' realz. At tha end Jizzy gives her daddy tha scam of boardin up tha crew inside tha livin room. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch also skits a big-ass role all up in tha straight-up end when tha playa findz up dat props ta Chibi, Jizzy has begun bustin lyrics aiiight (although a lil' bit shaky n' still rockin tha "ribbit" tha playa can clearly peep dat jenny has made progress wit her language.)

Chibi-Robo! Clean Sweep

Jizzy as she appears up in Chibi-Robo! Clean Sweep

Many muthafuckin years afta Chibi-Robo! Plug Into Adventure!, Jizzy grew up n' had a cold-ass lil lil pimp wit her pimp Karl. Before they could git married, Karl took a dirt nap up in a unknown accident. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Seven muthafuckin years later, dat freaky freaky biatch helped purchase Chibi-Robo up in tha straight-up original gangsta Savings Tournament ta try ta relive her childhood minutes ownin a Chibi-Robo.

Durin tha Fifth Family Meeting, Keith wishes ta have his wild lil' daddy back fo' realz. Afta this, Jizzy locks her muthafuckin ass up in her room at night. Chibi n' Telly sneak up in all up in tha drain, n' Jizzy drops some lyrics ta dem bout Karlz dirtnap.

While Chibi is searchin fo' tha weddin rings, Jizzy stumblez upon one of dem up in a funky-ass box she never opened up in her storage closet fo' realz. At tha end of tha game, Chibi n' Telly wake Jizzy up n' surprise her wit tha weddin dress. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch is reunited wit Karl n' they git hooked up under tha moonlight yo, but afta tha ceremony, Karl be at peace n' his spirit ascends. Keith drops some lyrics ta her dat her big-ass booty should introduce tha crew ta tha coworker whoz ass axed her on a thugged-out date, since Karl would want Jizzy ta be horny.

Afta tha wedding, bustin lyrics ta Jizzy will git her ta tell Chibi bout how tha fuck she purchased his ass ta try n' relive her childhood, n' dat Chibi be a real gangmember of tha crew.



  • Jenny, like all tha charactas up in tha game realize dat at least one toy dat they own speaks n' or strutts round at night.
  • Jizzy is tha only Sanderson ta step tha fuck up in mo' than one game, although her daddy is mentioned.
  • Despite gangbangin frogs, her room has a Sunshine theme instead of frogs, dis may be cuz of tha fact dat Sunshine is her straight-up toy.
  • It seems like Jizzy aint gonna drop a rhyme as normally round her mom, cuz if Chibi-Robo has his wild lil' froggy frog suit on while poppin' off ta Jenny, Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson will notice Jizzy poppin' off normally, so dis could mean Jizzy acts like a gangbangin' froggy frog fo' attention.
  • Telly worries up in one point up in tha game dat Jizzy might have crush on him, however dis unknown if dis is true.