General Greenthumb

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General Greenthumb be a toy up in Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol yo. Dude was lata domewashed by Miasmo n' became Sergeant Smogglor.


Earlier Life

General Greenthumb was part of a gangbangin' franchise dat promoted recyclin n' preservin tha environment yo, but his thugged-out lil' popularitizzle plummeted wit tha lil playas yo. Dude was even included up in his own vizzle game called "Smog Wars", which was also disrespected n' considered shitty by children, often bein beat up in popularitizzle ta tha series' antagonist, "Hazmatroth" yo. His downfall fuckin started when a cold-ass lil lil pimp threw his ass onto tha park ground, "defeating" his ass afta playin wit his ass n' a action figure of Hazmatroth.

Gainin game n' consciousness, Greenthumb saw tha beauty of tha park n' swore ta defend dat shit. Miasmo then arrived wit a lil' small-ass squadron of Smogglings, enterin combat wit his muthafuckin ass. General Greenthumb fought n' survived, makin his wild lil' franchise title, "defender of park round tha ghetto" a reality. For a long-ass period of time, da ruffneck defended tha park wit all of his crazy-ass might ta protect itz natural beauty. Lata on, he infiltrated Miasmoz base up in order ta try n' stop his bangin reign of bullshit once n' fo' all. Unfortunately fo' him, Miasmoz juice was far ta pimped out fo' his ass ta handle, leadin ta his ass transformin tha fuck into "Sergeant Smogglor". Greenthumbz memory was then wiped out, n' his colorful suit was chizzled ta black n' grey, indicatin his freshly smoked up mindless allegiizzle ta Miasmo as his own underground minion.

Durin tha events up in Park Patrol

Afta encounterin Chibi-Robo nuff muthafuckin times n' failin ta defeat his ass wit Smogglings n' a Smogblog. One day, Sergeant Smogglor will experience a "flashback" afta noticin tha flowers is shining. This cause a fuckin shitload of these "flashbacks" ta take place n' when tha park reaches a cold-ass lil certain point of lushness; he regains his crazy-ass memories as General Greenthumb.

Final Battle

When Chibi-Robo has enough flowers grown ta defeat Miasmo yo, but could not do it ridin' solo. General Greenthumb then sacrifices his wild lil' freakadelic game ta help Chibi-Robo on defeatin Miasmo, n' "dies" as tha Smogglings become good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg!


Afta tha Miasmo battle n' turnin back tha fuck into a regular toy; tha straight-up same kid whoz ass threw his ass away before then picked his ass back up, n' took his ass back fo' his dirty ass, givin tha now not present Greenthumb a freshly smoked up "home".


Miasmo provided Smoggler wit pimped out power, grantin his ass his signature abilitizzles "ZAPOW ", n' "SUPERMEGAZAPOW" which hold tha traitz of bein able ta drain tha juice outta toys. These steez however, hold no effect against Chibi-Robo cuz he aint a toy, although tha mo' advanced steez can blast Chibiz Weapons outta his head.

Side Effects

Sergeant Smogglor will experience "flashbacks" when exposed ta big-ass amountz of lushnizz of flowers, brangin back his wild lil' forma alias, General Greenthumb fo' a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass short period of time. Which leadz ta Miasmo changin his ass back up wit dark juice n' forcin Chibi-Robo ta combat Smogglings wit different kindz of handicaps.


  • Chibi Robo be as big-ass as General Greenthumbss Boot, makin his ass as big-ass as  Space Hunta Drake Redcrest, another supa pimp action figure whoz ass is 35cm tall.