General Greenthumb

From Chibi-Robo! Wiki
Revision as of 23:59, 15 March 2014 by Blazerblade2020 (talk | contribs) (Added some more info about Greenthumb's history, adding the name of the video game/franchise he was in (the in game one, not chibi robo) Also added trivia about size.)
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General Greenthumb is a toy in Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol. General Greenthumb was part of a franchise that promoted recycling and preserving the environment, but his popularity plummeted with the kids. He was even included in his own video game called "Smog Wars", which was also disrespected and considered lame by children, often being beat out in popularity to the series' antagonist, "Hazmatroth". His downfall began when a child threw him onto the park ground, "defeating" him after playing with him and an action figure of Hazmatroth.
Gaining life and consiousness, Greenthumb saw the beuaty of the park and swore to defend it. Miasmo then arived with a small squadron of Smogglings, entering combat with him. General Greenthumb fought and survived, making his franchise title, "defender of parks around the world" a reality. For a long period of time, he defended the park with all of his might to protect it's natural beauty. Later on, he inflitrated Miasmo's base in order to try and stop his reign of pollution once and for all. Unfortunately for him, Miasmo's power was far to great for him to handle, leading to him transforming into "Sergeant Smogglor". Greenthumb's memory was wiped, and his colorful suit was changed to black and grey, indicating his new mindless aligence to Miasmo as his own personel minion.


Miasmo provided Smoggler with great power, granting him his signature abilities "ZAPOW ", and "SUPERMEGAZAPOW" which hold the traits of being able to drain the power out of toys. These techniques however, hold no effect againts Chibi Robo because he is not a toy, although the more advanced techniques can blast Chibi's Equipment out of his head.

Sgt Smoggler has "Flashbacks" when exposed to huge amounts of lush greeness, bringing back his former alias, General Greenthumb for a short period of time, leading to Miasmo charging him back up with dark energy and forcing Chbi to combat Smogglings with different kinds of handicaps. After a number of these "flashbacks" take place and the park becomes reaches a certain point of lushness, Miasmo descides that he has had enough and transports Chibi into an alternate world where there is desolation and pollution. sticking him into a situation where he must combat him and his Smoggling army. Later in the battle when enough flowers are grown to defeat Miasmo , Greenthumb sacrifices his life helping Chibi-Robo defeat Miasmo, and dies as the smoggling become good. After the battle and turning back into a regular toy, the very same kid who threw him away before picked him back up, and took him back for himself, giving the now not present Greenthumb a new "home".


-Chibi Robo is as big as General Greenthumbs's Boot, making him as big as Space Hunter Drake Redcrest, another super hero action figure who is 35cm tall.

  • A screenshot of General Greenthumb in his own video game.

    A screenshot of General Greenthumb in his own video game.

  • General Greenthumb conflicted having one of his "flashbacks" going back into his original colors.

    General Greenthumb conflicted having one of his "flashbacks" going back into his original colors.

  • Sergeant Smoggler (above) and his Smogglings (below).

    Sergeant Smoggler (above) and his Smogglings (below).