Freaky Phil

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Freaky Phil is one of Funky Phil's children who is different from the others. Unlike his siblings, who are yellow and purple, Freaky Phil is red and blue, he can't appear to talk normally, as he has a scratchy voice and often repeats the word "gebah" he is also shown to be slightly bigger than the others. At night while the other phillies sleep, Freaky Phil heads off alone, trying to practice the Drake Redcrest pose. Dinah has a lot of respect for his trying, and eventually Chibi-Robo teaches him the pose, helping Freaky Phil to also pose. After he learns the pose, he heads to Funky Phil, only to realize that Funky Phil is dead making Freaky Phil depress. After Chibi-Robo gives all the blocks to Dinah, she begins a memorial where Freaky Phil begins the dance, where he stands on the top of the stage. The next day where Dinah and the phillies say good-bye to Funky Phil, Freaky Phil is told to give flowers to Funky Phil, but he shows to be reluctant due to not wanting to let his father go, but after some encouragement by Dinah, he gives the flowers to his father, where Funky Phil comes to life, shocking everybody. Freaky Phil sometimes shows to be the leader of his siblings, as he leads the dance during the memorial, and has shown more personality then his siblings. Dinah often gives him the nick name "Shorty".


Freaky Phil is probably likes spending more time practicing then the others. He tends to show be closer to Funky Phil. He acts somewhat of a leader to his siblings.