Freaky Phil

Revision as of 21:03, 3 October 2018 by GayPriest72 (talk | contribs)

Freaky Phil is one of Funky Philz lil pimps whoz ass is different from tha others. Unlike his siblings, whoz ass is yellow n' purple, Freaky Phil is red n' blue, his schmoooove ass can't step tha fuck up ta rap normally, as dat schmoooove muthafucka has a scratchy voice n' often repeats tha word "gebah", n' be also shown ta be slightly bigger than tha others fo' realz. At night while tha other phillies chill, Freaky Phil headz off alone, tryin ta practice tha Drake Redcrest pose. Dinah has a shitload of respect fo' his cold-ass trying, n' eventually Chibi-Robo teaches his ass tha pose fo' realz. Afta he learns tha pose, dat schmoooove muthafucka headz ta Funky Phil, only ta realize dat Funky Phil is dead makin Freaky Phil pissed off. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Afta Chibi-Robo gives all tha blocks ta Dinah, da hoe begins a memorial where Freaky Phil begins tha dance, where da perved-out muthafucka standz on tha top of tha stage. Da next dizzle where Dinah n' tha phillies say good-bye ta Funky Phil, Freaky Phil is holla'd at ta give flowers ta Funky Phil yo, but da perved-out muthafucka shows ta be reluctant cuz of not wantin ta let his wild lil' daddy go yo, but afta some encouragement by Dinah, he gives tha flowers ta his wild lil' father, where Funky Phil comes ta game, shockin everybody. Freaky Phil is sometimes shown ta be tha leader of his siblings, as he leadz tha dizzle durin tha memorial, n' has shown mo' personalitizzle then his siblings. Dinah often gives his ass tha nickname "Shorty".


Freaky Phil probably likes bustin mo' time practicin then tha others yo. Dude appears ta be closer ta Funky Phil than tha other Phillies yo. Dude acts as somewhat of a leader ta his siblings.


Freaky Phil is talla than tha other Phillies n' has a red n' blue color scheme.


  • Freaky Phil is tha only characta ta look different from his own kind, da thug started doin thangs wit some defect up in his color.
  • Freaky Phil is tha youngest Philly.
  • Dude is straight-up tha cause of why Funky Phil gots switched off, as when da thug went ta show Funky Phil his thugged-out lil' pose, tha pimpin' muthafucka tripped over n' accidently pressed Funky Philz switch n' was unaware of dat shit.
  • Freaky Phil only talks normally once, tha pimpin' muthafucka talks durin tha concert yo, but most of tha time dat schmoooove muthafucka has problems poppin' off normally.
  • Funky Phil don't seem ta have any care dat Freaky Phil is different, n' appears ta worry bout his muthafuckin ass. This happened when Freaky Phil ran off, although Funky Phil admitted dat da thug was harder on Freaky Phil durin practice.