
Revision as of 06:10, 3 October 2018 by GayPriest72 (talk | contribs)

Chet is Chibi-Roboz manager up in Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol yo. Dude be attached ta tha Chibi-House n' can't leave it yo. Dude contacts Chibi-Robo while he is outside tha Chibi-Doggy Den via satelite n' can peep all up in Chibi-Roboz eyes yo. Dude gives Chibi-Robo lyrics n' turns Kool as fuck Points tha fuck into Watts at sunset yo. Dude will give Chibi-Robo a shitload of his watts (50) if Chibi-Robo runs outta Watts n' has no reserve watts yo. Dude was made by Citrusoft.


Chet also assists Chibi-Robo up in activating Cartridges by takin dem n' inputin dem tha fuck into tha system.


Dude is often like forgetful, n' appears ta have all dem panic attacks when dat schmoooove muthafucka has suttin' dat schmoooove muthafucka has been hidin from Chibi-Robo.