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Watts are electrical charges that all Chibi-Robos must depend on.


Watts are a Chibi-Robo's life energy. It powers them up to keep them running and acting so they can continue performing. Since Chibi-Robos are autonomous robots, they slowly lose watts with each action they perform, including standing still. Should a

Chibi-Robo recharging at an outlet in Chibi-Robo!

Chibi-Robo be hurt in any way, they will also lose watts as well.

Watts are also used as currency in Chibi-Robo!: Park Patrol.

Charging watts

To recharge watts, the player can plug their Chibi-Robo's Chibi Plug into an Outlet to recharge their electrical energy.

In Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, the only outlet that the player can plug into is in the Curator's Office. Not only that this is the only method of recharging Chibi-Robo, there are multiple batteries scattered throughout while exploring. If Chibi-Robo picks up a battery, it recharges them 100 watts.

Running out of watts

In Chibi-Robo! and Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, should the player run out of watts, Chibi-Robo will power down and result in a "Game Over." The player would be returned to their Chibi-House or home for a emergency recharge by Telly Vision or Telly.

If the player runs out of watts during a job in Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, Chibi-Robo will lose all progress made within the job and will earn zero Happy Points.