The Sandersons' House

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Da Sandersons is tha crew up in tha original gangsta Chibi Robo game. They consist of: Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, a toy gangbangin adult, Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, a cold-ass lil concerned mother, n' Jenny, a lil' hoe whoz ass had been cursed by tha "Evil Frog Wizard", whoz ass you can rap ta if you git tha Frog Suit. They also gotz a thugged-out dog, named Tao, whoz ass you can rap ta if you git tha Tao suit.

Da Sandersons' Chibi-Robo

On Jizzy Sandersonz eight birthday, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson decides ta git her a lil' small-ass robot named Chibi-Robo. Mrs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson, his hoe, is mad at his ass since they is up in massive debt from tha original gangsta robot from tha same company named Citrusoft, Giga-Robo. This Chibi-Robo will soon hook up all of tha toys up in tha Sanderson house, most notably Drake Redcrest, tha Jacked Rangers, Plankbeard n' Sunshine, tha teddy bear dat belongs ta Jenny.