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Sarge as he appears up in Chibi Robo plug tha fuck into adventure.

Sarge is tha sergeant of tha Jacked Rangers up in Chibi-Robo!. Tao kidnapped Private Memphis n' fucked up Sargez eye fo' realz. Afta Memphis was taken by Tao, Sarge became tough on his bangin remainin soldiers. When he first sees Chibi Robo, tha pimpin' muthafucka be thinkin he be a enemy, where his ass n' his soldiers try ta fuck wit Chibi-Robo. Once tha playa gets past them, you can train wit dem wild-ass muthafuckas. There is four hustlin courses, Spy Training, Handrail Training, Jungle Training, n' Waterfall Training, Once you git Captain Plankbeardz Ship, 7 Jacked Rangers go AWOL, where Sarge become pissed off. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! When tha playa findz Memphiss dawg tags n' gives dem ta Sarge, da thug will start ta treat his soldiers betta n' will start a freshly smoked up hustlin call, named Tao Defense Training. Once tha playa completes tha hustlin, Chibi Robo can help dem save Memphis. Durin tha rescue, Sargez forma soldiers join tha rescue n' afta tha playa blasts tha collar dat holdz Memphis n' releases him, Sarge is no longer is tough on his soldiers. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sarge also appears in Welcome home Chibi Robo! along wit two Jacked rangers by his side residin up in tha basement of Jennyz house. In game, da ruffneck aint gots his signature beret, n' instead has a minin basebizzle cap wit a gangbangin' flashlight attached ta it yo. Dude n' his cold-ass two pimps had been residin underground fo' some period of time afta tha fire, survivin n' attemptin ta make it all up in in tha game.


 Sarge is normally tough, n' tendz ta lose his cold-ass temper wit his crazy-ass pimps if they make mistakes. Despite this, dat schmoooove muthafucka has a straight-up wack side ta him, n' sometimes cries when pissed off or horny yo. Dude wants tha rangers ta be tha dopest pimps they can be yo. Dude wants what tha fuck is dopest fo' his crazy-ass men.

Physical Description

Sarge be lookin like tha rest of tha free rangers yo. Dude is red instead of orange yo. Dude game tha same ol' dirty camouflage tracksuit yo, but wit a gold star on it yo. Dude has tha same ol' dirty basebizzle cap as tha rangers yo, but wit gold wings, n' a tilted posizzle on his head. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Dude do not seem ta git a visible nozzle yo. Dude has a gangbangin' frown, one stern eye, n' one cross-shaped scar on his other one.


  • Out of most charactas up in tha game, Sarge is da most thugged-out wack.
  • Sarge probably has da most thugged-out fuck-ups than others, bein swiped twice n' fallin off a high shelf n' fallin grill first.
  • Sarge favors Memphis than his other rangers, probably cause Memphis is his crazy-ass most hard hustlin n' loyal ranger.
  • Sarge has certain respect fo' other charactas like Captain Plankbeard, Chibi-Robo, n' Giga-Robo.
  • Sarge calls Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sanderson tha General. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Possibly cuz of his ass bein depicted as tha 'man of tha house'.
  • Unlike tha rangers, Sarge appears not ta git a nose.


Sarge as he appears up in "Welcome home Chibi Robo!"