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Da Chibi-Tots is found up in Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder, n' Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash. Unlike Chibi-Robo, they can rap (gibberish wit subtitlez all up in tha bottom).

Physical Description

From they appearance, you can tell dat they iz of Citrusoft origin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. They look similar ta Chibi-Robo. They aint gots cordz or plugs. They gotz a cold-ass lil cylindrical head, dat is divided up in half (horizontally) ta open n' close, a handle on tha top of they heads, n' big-ass eyes. They gotz a funky-ass ball-jointed neck, wit a cold-ass lil cylindrical torso. Thin arms, wit circular joints fo' they shoulders, elbows, n' fingers. They have bigger robotic claws dat have nuff edges. They gotz a rounded waist, wit thin legs, wit joints, n' lil' small-ass Nikes.


Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder

They first step tha fuck up in dis game. In a cold-ass lil cutscene, where Miss Clayra is rollin tha Chibi-Tot kindergarden school bus. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch talks bout how tha fuck free dat biiiiatch was when dat biiiiatch was younger n' shit. Then dat dunkadelic hoe talks ta tha tots, n' they tell her ta grab tha steerin wheel before tha bus crashes. Then, when they land, they hide n' one asks Chibi-Robo ta fuck wit dem wild-ass muthafuckas fo' realz. A game they play is hide-and-seek. There is three chickens where they hide behind. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! A pear, a pepper, n' a eggplant. Da tot wit a red bow-tie is tha one ta hide fo' realz. All tha tots gotta scramble n' run behind tha chicken n' try ta make tha playa miss tha bow-tie tot. There is three modes, easy as fuck , medium, n' hard. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da speed increases as progression happens. If tha playa make it ta hard mode, they must find tha Chibi-Tot without tha bow-tie on, while tha others have one. If tha playa manages ta beat hard mode, a Chibi-Tot will come up, n' tell Chibi-Robo dat he is so cool, n' dat da thug wants ta play again n' again n' again sometime. If tha playa loses medium, tha tot will say Chibi-Robo be average, n' asks how tha fuck it feels. Though, dis do not affect any notifications on tha Chibi-PC bout playin again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da last time played, tots will say shit bout bout Miss Clayra wit Chibi-Robo. Then it is ghon be time fo' dem ta muthafuckin bounce. While collectin yo' Kool as fuck Points, tha tots will skip toward tha bus up in a single-file line, n' leap onto dat shit.

Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash

Chibi-Tots is collectablez up in stages. There is three up in each stage. They don't do anythang useful, they is just fo' findin n' grabbing. When you first encounta one, it is ghon be buckwild ta peep Chibi-Robo. Then it will ask if he be as speedy as tha tot is. Da tot informs dat there be three others up in tha stage ta find. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! If you run ta one, it will try ta escape. When you git close, they can jump ta yo' other side or stay there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. They can be stopped, by rollin tha fuck into one, then, it will flip n' stay on tha ground, dizzy. This is temporary, though, as they will try ta escape again n' again n' again afta all dem moments, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. If yo ass is idle fo' a while, next ta one, they will wave peace out, n' jump off of tha platform, behind, so you need ta be quick when collectin dem wild-ass muthafuckas. They is straight-up fragile, however, cuz if you hit dem wit yo' plug, they will break, so be straight-up careful as well.


  • They bear a straight-up close resemblizzle ta Chibi-Robo.
  • "Tot" is slang for, "kid" or "toddler".
  • Chibi-Tots is possibly made from tha same metals as Chibi-Robo. Da metals look similar, n' tha totz metals make tha same sound as Chibi-Roboz when up in contact wit tha ground.
  • Chibi-Tots have handlez on they headz yo, but fo' unknown reasons.